Rebi Romeo
Rebi Romeo
  • Title:
    Women's Rugby Coach
  • Email:
  • Favorite Food:
  • Favorite Class:
    Wild About Westerns
  • Go to warm up song:
    The Message by Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five
  • Why did you chose PSC:
    It's close to home
  • Fun Fact:
    Watched rugby for years, but didn't play until I turned 50


Coach Rebecca "Rebi" Romeo became the Head Coach of the Lady Bobcats in 2020. Romeo brings numerous years of coaching experience from her time coaching modified girls' basketball. She has decades of spectator experience and began playing as a way to celebrate her 50th birthday. Since then, Romeo has completed USA Rugby 200 level coaching and 100 level referee classes. She served as an Assistant Coach for the first years of the program before being elevated to Head Coach. 

Fun Fact! 

Coach Romeo is a former foster parent for NYS.